Discography / Music creations
Inspired by cretan vocal traditions
featuring : Eugenia Toli Damavoliti
New album ! MOUSA / UVM, 2024
From Epirus traditions to world jazz
featuring: Magik Malik, Nikos Filippidis
Staged by Koen Augustijnen, Rosalba Torres Guerrero
MOUSA / Quart de Lune / UVM, 2021
Xanthoula Dakovanou
The Song of the Songs – Byzantine oratorio
Under the Auspices of the Greek Ministry of Culture, 2021
Staged by Taxiarchis Vasilakos (choreography),
Eleftheria Komi (direction)
Invited singer at the following albums :
- MES PREMIERS CHANTS APAISANTS, sous la direction de Martina A. Catella, Auzou éveil, Paris 2019
- YORAM ROSILIO ET ARBF, Reinas des Mediterraneo, Grèce Vol 1, Le fondeur de son, Paris, 2018
- KARL ZÉRO – Songs for Moonlight swim and otros tipos de occupationes, Paris, La société secrète, 2017
- LES PLUS BELLES BERCEUSES DU MONDE, Didier Jeunesse, Paris, 2015
- ARMAND AMAR – Mediterranean, A Sea for All, Long Distance, Paris, 2014
- LES PLUS BELLES BERCEUSES DE MONDE, Didier Jeunesse, Paris, 2013
- RAS SINAI PROJECT, Global Groove Music, Ras Sinai Music, Israel, 2012
- ΠΑΝΤΕΛΗΣ ΠΑΥΛΙΔΗΣ, Εύδουσιν, Melissa, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2010
- COMPTINES DE MIEL ET DE PISTACHE, Didier Jeunesse, Paris, 2009
- PALYRRIA, Electrifying Nature, Cantini, Aθήνα, 2009
- YARON PE’ER, Orian, Magda, Tel Aviv, 2007
- ΦΩΝΕΣ ΤΗΣ ΠΕΤΡΑΣ, Apiros, Athens, 2004
Filmography :
- Voice @ Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s documentary ‘Mediterranean, A Sea for all’, Music by Armand Amar. Television channel France 2, 2014
- Voice @ children’s animated series “Mouk”, television channel TV5, France, 2012.