Song of the Songs

Byzantine oratorio

Under the Auspices of the Greek Ministry of Culture, 2021

Staged by Taxiarchis Vasilakos (choreography),

Eleftheria Komi (direction)

Song of the Songs

Byzantine oratorio

Under the Auspices of the Greek Ministry of Culture, 2021

Staged by Taxiarchis Vasilakos (choreography),

Eleftheria Komi (direction)

The ‘Song of the Songs – Byzantine oratorio’ is a composition of Xanthoula Dakovanou, orchestrated by Ourania Lampropoulou, which was created in 2021 by Mousa with the patronage of the Greek Ministry of Culture and presented at ‘All of Greece one Culture’ Festival, among others.

The ‘Songs of the Songs’ is a composition inspired by byzantine music and greek traditional music. The two main protagonists of the biblic text (King Solomon and the Bride) have solistic singing parts, which are inspired by byzantine melodies. A female chorus interprates the ‘Daughters of Jerusalem’ , singing compositions inpired by greek traditonal music (epirus polyphony, mediterranean traditions etc.).

The musical dramaturgy is staged by the choreography of Taxiarchis Vasilakos, who is inspired by greek traditional dances with contemporary dance vocabulary. The director Eleftheria Komi connects music and dance in order to create an astonishing performance.


Xanthoula Dakovanou (the Bride)
Gerasimos Papadopoulos (King Salomon)
Ourania Lampropoulou (santouri)
Avgerini Gatsi (ney flute, voice)
Alexandros Rizopoulos (percussion)
Athina Kyrousi Salvucci (voice)
Nefeli Stamouli (voice)


Taxiarchis Vasilakos
Athina Kyrousi Salvucci
Nefeli Stamouli