

Presentation new album RIZITUALS @ ‘Συναντήσεις’ by Olyna Xenopoulou, Greek National Radio ERA, 1st Programme, 6.1.2025, GR

Presentation new album RIZITUALS @ KRITI TV by Lefteris Koumantakis/Christiana Skoura, 17.2.25, GR

Presentation new album RIZITUALS @ TV100 Thessaloniki, 27.2.25, GR

Release of NEW ALBUM Xanthoula Dakovanou – RIZITUALS, inspired by cretan vocal traditions (physical), MOUSA / UVM, 21.2.2025, FR

Concert Xanthoula Dakovanou / RIZITUALS full band live @ ROES Theater, Athens, 06.03,25, GR

Concert Xanthoula Dakovanou / RIZITUALS Trio live @ LE TRITON, Paris, 20.03.25, FR

Conferance Xanthoula Dakovanou @ ‘TEHNIS IAMATA’ Festival, Kimi, 20.7.2025, GR

Concert Xanthoula Dakovanou and Thanassis Dritsas @ ‘TEHNIS IAMATA’ Festival, Kimi, 21.7.2025, GR

November – December 2024

Concert Xanthoula Dakovanou, Yannis Chaldoupis @ Book presentation of Vassilis Nitsiakos (Και το Σώμα Θυμάται), 16.11.24, Ioannina, GR

Release of NEW ALBUM Xanthoula Dakovanou – RIZITUALS, inspired by cretan vocal traditions (digital), MOUSA / UVM, 13.12.2024

Presentation new album RIZITUALS @ Anastasia Grigoriadou, Greek National Radio ERA, Thessaloniki, 17.12.2024, GR

Participation in the following book in greek, with the chapter ‘Music and Psychoanalysis’ / Release 12/2024, GR Αναγνωστοπούλου, Χ., Τριανταφυλλάκη, Α., Κόνιαρη, Δ., & Δρακουλάκη, Κ. (Επιμ.) (2024). Έρευνα και εφαρμογές στη Μουσική Ψυχολογία. Ελληνική Ένωση για τη Μουσική Εκπαίδευση. ISBN: 978-6185821-03-6

Concert Xanthoula Dakovanou, Taxiarchis Vasilakos, Solis Barki – ‘Music of the Mediterranean’ @ 1002 Nihtes, 26.12.2024, Athens, GR